Tag Archives: personal trainer

Things are finally happening

11 Oct

“There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living.”

This quote truly sums up how I have felt since I began to follow my dreams. There are those people in my life who have told me countless times “you can’t” “you’ll never make it” “your not good enough” “It will never happen” And you know what, I took all of that negative talk from all of those people and turned it into my biggest drive to prove them wrong, because guess what I can already turn to them and say look at me now! I walked away from the negativity, I walked away from those who did not treat me right, and I stood up for MYSELF! That takes a lot for any person to do, but I can honestly say it was WORTH it.

Right now I am 3 months into my training to be a certified Personal trainer, and I have learned a tremendous amount of information. My networking is through the roof in this industry, and best of all I have met some of the coolest people who I consider to be a fitness family.

Yesterday was a really exciting day, because Court and I ran our very first bootcamp, and let me tell you guys it was BAD ASS!!! We recieved a ton of compliments, people had a lot of fun, and our instructor even said that he was stealing that workout to use with some of his own clients. Everything ran smoothly, and it felt right.

Oh yeah and before I go.. Heres a fun workout playlist for you all! It was a hit at our bootcamp. 🙂